St. Nicholas ChurchAccessible

Narol, Manitoba

St. Nicholas Church

Founded 1911

Diocese: Archdiocese of Canada

Deanery: Manitoba-Saskatchewan Deanery


5635 Henderson Hwy
Narol, Manitoba

Mailing address:

114 Noble Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R2L 0J6


Parish Contacts

Home: 204-504-8792
Attached Deacon
Attached Deacon


St Nicholas Church is located at 5635 Henderson Highway, 12 km north of Perimeter Highway north of Winnipeg.  If transportation is needed, call the Rectory at 204-504-8792.

Schedule of Services

Services are in English and follow the New Calendar.

5:00 PM (Summer) 4:00 PM (Winter) Vespers, Confessions.
Saturday Evening

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy, Brunch
Sunday Morning

For a complete list of services, please visit the parish webpage.

Parish Background

St Nicholas Church in Narol was founded in 1911 by immigrants from the Brody area in Galicia.  Like most Rusins/Western Ukrainians, these pioneers had been Greek Catholic in their homeland, which at that time belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  Upon their arrival in Canada, the people reunited with the Orthodox Church of their forebearers, becoming a part of the Russian Orthodox Mission.  They are now an integral part of the Archdiocese of Canada and of the Orthodox Church in America.  Worship is celebrated entirely in English, and the chants and liturgical customs are those of western Ukrainian Orthodoxy.

The congregation strives to fulfill its stewardship and church growth responsibilities as a parish of the OCA.  In 1994, the parish was host for the Archdiocese of Canada’s celebration of the Bicentennial of Orthodoxy in North America.  In July 1998, the parish was the host and organizing parish for the triennial assembly of the Archdiocese of Canada, held in Winnipeg.  Although transportation is not an easy matter, the parish is attracting many visitors, and family and single converts.