All-American Council blog now online

A blog designed to foster dialogue about the forthcoming 15th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America is now available at

The blog was the idea of the Council’s Preconciliar Commission.

“The Preconciliar Commission chair, His Grace, Bishop Nikon of Boston, New England, and the Albanian Archdiocese, has emphasized that the conciliar process begins now, not in November,” said Archpriest Andrew Jarmus, OCA Director of Ministries and Communications. “The blog has been created as part of that philosophy.”

“Supplementing material posted on the OCA web site, the blog will feature information about the AAC and the work of the Preconciliar Commission,” Father Andrew added. “Council preparatory materials also will be posted. In addition to reading postings, blog visitors will be able to comment on what they have read.”

The 15th All-American Council will be held in Pittsburgh, PA November 10-13, 2008.