Ancient Faith Radio interview discusses OCA Church Planting Grant
The Director of the OCA’s Department of Evangelization, Archpriest Eric Tosi, is featured in an interview by Ancient Faith Radio. In the interview, Fr. Eric discusses the OCA Church Planting Grant program.
A program unique to the Orthodox Church in America, the Church Planting Grant offers financial aid to qualifying missions to pay for the salary of a full-time resident priest. “We have found that by planting a full-time resident priest in a mission,” Fr. Eric says, “that mission can grow to parish status in three to five years. The real key is that you have a priest ‘on the ground’ doing the work.”
Fr. Eric was rector of the second mission ever to receive the Grant, St. Nicholas of South Canaan Mission in Billings, MT. Since its inception the Church Planting Grant Program has helped close to 30 missions. These communities are found in varied locations throughout the United States and Canada, both in urban and rural settings.
Funding for the Church Planting Grant program comes from the OCA Mission Appeal that is made annually during the month of February. All proceeds of the Appeal are restricted funds used exclusively for the Mission Appeal and Church Planting Grant.
Ancient Faith Radio is an internet based ministry that offers two 24 hour Orthodox radio stations, as well as downloadable Orthodox Podcasts. To listen to Fr. Eric’s interview, please click here.