IN THE NEWS: Alaska, Illinois, Michigan, NY
Anchorage, AK: STOTS graduates hold fundraiser

While visiting Alaska for the annual Saint Herman’s Pilgrimage in early August, members of the Saint Tikhon’s Seminary Alumni Association held a fundraiser at Saint Innocent Cathedral, Anchorage. Alumni, who were welcomed by His Grace, Bishop David—himself a STOTS graduate—included Fathers Nicholas Molodyko-Harris, Timothy Hojnicki, and David Cowan and Alaskan alumni Fathers John Zabinko, Christopher Stanton, and Matthew Howell, and Christopher Jones.
Chicago: Parishioners march for peace in “Little Village”

On Friday, July 25, 2014, members of Christ the Savior Church, Chicago, joined community organizations and neighborhood residents in the city’s Little Village neighborhood to promote peace at a time when rates of violence in the Chicago are rising.
“On behalf of the Little Village community, we want to thank everyone who came out to the Peace March and who prayerfully supported the initiative,” said Kathryn Bocanegra. “It was a great success, with over 150 people participating in the march and many community residents who have been personally impacted by violence. We heard poems, reflections, and prayers from community mothers who lost their children to violence.”
Father John Baker, Rector and Dean of Christ the Savior Church, led prayers on two different street corners.
“Our parishioners carried icons throughout the streets,” said Father John. “The presence of our parishioners showed compassion and concern for the daily struggle of people in the Little Village neighborhood.”
Marchers met at Saint Agnes Catholic Church and made their way to Farragut High School, stopping along the way on four blocks on which there had been shootings and homicides.
Detroit, MI: SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral hit by flood

Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Detroit, MI—the state’s oldest Orthodox Christian parish—was hit hard during the torrential rains that left Detroit under six inches of water during the second week of August 2014.
“On Monday, August 11, thousands of gallons of water cascaded through the walls and roof of Saints Peter and Paul Church, and even came up through the floor drains,” said parishioner Janet Lapko. “The church basement is under two feet of water, and all of its contents are ruined. One furnace is broken, and the second furnace also may be damaged.
“The parish hall—site of the parish’s extensive homeless and kitchen ministries, the latter of which helps support small food entrepreneurs—also experienced damage,” Janet added. “This recent disaster places all these activities in jeopardy.”
While overall costs of the damage have yet to be calculated, the parish now faces the task of removing two-plus feet of standing water, mud and sewage; replacing damaged property; and taking steps to prevent mold and other dangers due to lingering moisture.
Parishes and faithful throughout the Diocese of the Midwest are asked to offer financial assistance to the faithful of Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral as they work not only to restore their properties, but to ensure the continuation of the various ministries upon which the parish’s neighbors have come to rely.
“Your contribution will allow these important ministries to continue,” said Janet. “Your generosity can help our parish face this new challenge and remain a positive force for good in an otherwise troubled city.”
On-line donations may be made here.
Shirley, NY: Six-day iconography workshop October 6-11
Saint John the Theologian Church, Shirley, NY, will be the site of a week-long iconography workshop October 6-11, 2014.
Classes will be conducted by Tatiana and Dmitrii Berestova of the Prosopon School.
Students will create traditional icons using ancient techniques and natural materials—carved wood boards prepared with gesso made from chalk and glue, finely ground clay, pure gold leaf, and ground mineral pigments in an emulsion made from egg yolk. The underlying theology of the icon will be equally emphasized, as each technical step has a corresponding theological meaning.
During six full-day sessions first-time students will be provided with step-by-step instructions and all materials to complete an icon. Experienced students will be assigned an icon appropriate to their experience and skill. Previous artistic experience is not required.
Cost for new students is $525.00, while the cost for returning students will set by the workshop coordinator.
For further information, contact workshop coordinator Adele McHugh at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 631-447-2017.