Metropolitan Tikhon calls for prayers for tornado victims

In the wake of the tornadoes that devastated the suburbs of Oklahoma City, OK on Monday, May 20, 2013, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, has called upon all faithful Orthodox Christians to offer prayers for those who lost their lives, their families, and everyone touched by the tragedy.
“We call upon everyone to remember in their prayers the victims of the Oklahoma City Tornado and those whose lives have been affected by this disaster,” said Metropolitan Tikhon. “We ask that our risen Lord will bring comfort to those who have lost everything—including loved ones—as well as the responders who continue to search for survivors. May our Lord grant eternal rest to those who lost their lives in the tragedy, and may He comfort those so afflicted.”
The Orthodox Church in America has three communities in Oklahoma—Holy Apostles Church, Bixby, OK; Saints Cyril and Methodius Church, Hartshorne, OK; and Saint Basil the Great Mission, Weatherford, OK — none of which were affected. Updates will be posted should further information be received.
The faithful are encouraged to offer financial assistance through established agencies that already have a presence in the affected area, and to check the web sites of International Orthodox Christian Charities [IOCC] and the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve [FOCUS] for additional opportunities to help.