Metropolitan Tikhon offers prayers, support as flooding worsens

As a new wave of flood waters fills an already swollen Sava River, threatening thousands of lives as well as Serbia’s biggest power plant, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, sent a letter of support to His Holiness, Patriarch Irinej of Serbia.
As of Monday, May 19, 2014, International Orthodox Christian Charities reported that at least 37 were known to be dead and thousands had been left homeless across Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The text of the letter reads as follows.
May 19, 2014
No. 05/014
His Holiness Irinej
Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci
Patriarch of Serbia
Kralja Petra br. 5
Belgrade, 11000 SERBIA
Your Holiness:
Christ is Risen!
It is with great sadness and concern that we have learned of the unprecedented floods that have claimed the lives and livelihood of people in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
On behalf of the Holy Synod of Bishops, I have asked the clergy and the faithful of our Orthodox Church in America to pray for all of those adversely affected by the flooding.
Further, I have asked our faithful to consider aiding our brothers and sisters of the Serbian Orthodox Church with material assistance through the excellent work of International Orthodox Christian Charities.
As we continue in the joy of our Lord and Savior’s glorious Resurrection, we continue to be united with Your Holiness, your clergy and faithful, and with all the citizens of Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, during this time of great suffering and tragedy.
May the life and joy given to us by the Holy Resurrection heal us all and lift up our hearts to the Glory of His Kingdom.
With love in the Risen Lord,
Your brother in Christ,
+ Tikhon
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada