Metropolitan Tikhon urges participation in College Student Sunday September 15

Every year, parishes across North America remember their college students on the Sunday following the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, which in 2013 falls on Sunday, September 15. Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF], the official campus ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, will provide resources highlighting the importance of campus ministry in general and College Student Sunday in particular.
“OCF represents one of our most imperative ministries,” said His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon. “Our college students are thirsty for the Good News of Jesus Christ, and OCF provides them with the tools to share that Gospel in their campus settings. I encourage every member of the Orthodox Church in America to find a way to be involved and engaged in campus ministry through prayer, monetary support, and/or donations of time and talent.”
“Campus Ministry is a personal priority of His Beatitude,” added Andrew Boyd, OCA Youth Director, “and the OCA has re-engaged with OCF over the last year to provide direct financial support, pastoral care expertise, governance, and program support. I encourage everyone to follow His Beatitude’s example and find ways to support campus ministry in our Church.
“OCF has chosen ‘Unity’ as its theme for this year,” added Boyd. “As one of the true pan-Orthodox ministries, it is in a unique place not only to witness the true meaning of ‘Unity’ to our college students, but to empower them to witness unity to the greater Church.”
To find out how you can engage with your local OCF Chapter, or start one at a local campus, contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).