NEWS ELSEWHERE: Alaska, Pennsylvania, New Mexico
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JUNEAU, AK: Diocesan Chancellor meets with state reps

Hieromonk David [Mahaffey], Chancellor and Administrator of the Diocese of Alaska, and Dr. Richard Dauenhauer recently met with State Representative Cathy Muñoz and State Senator Gary Stevens in Juneau, the state capital. During the meeting, the importance of preserving the state’s historic Russian Orthodox churches and buildings and the restoration work undertaken by ROSSIA (Russian Orthodox Sacred Sites In Alaska) were among the topics discussed. Father David and Dr. Dauenhauer also were introduced to the Legislative Assembly by Representative Muñoz at the opening of the Legislative Session. While in Juneau, Father David celebrated the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts at the city’s historic Saint Nicholas Church, which dates back to 1894.
MERCER, PA: Second annual “Overcome the World” college retreat May 19-21
Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF] and Camp Nazareth will sponsor the second annual “Overcome the World” college retreat May 19-21, 2013. The event, which is “designed specifically for college students by college students,” will feature a variety of guest speakers, group workshops, evening social events, fellowship and social events, and opportunities for faith enrichment. This year’s theme is based on Mark 9:35: “If anyone desires to be first, He shall be last of all and servant of all.” Speakers include His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa, ruling Bishop of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA; Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko, retired Dean of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Yonkers, NY; and Mother Magdalena of the Monastery of the Transfiguration, Ellwood City, PA. The $150.00 registration fee includes all retreat materials, three meals each day, evening snacks and lodging. For information or to register—deadline is May 5—visit
LOS ALAMOS, NM: Parish hosts sister city delegation from Russia

Members of Saint Dimitri Church recently enjoyed a visit from the Los Alamos’ Sister City delegation from Sarov, Russia. Members of the Sarov delegation had requested that their Sister City hosts include a stop at the city’s Orthodox parish as part of their week-long stay. During the visit, parishioner Eugene Kovalenko surprised the delegation as he sang “God is with us” in Slavonic, while Priest John Hennies shared an unexpected, truly American moment, when he sang a prayer in the Native American Lakota language. He then presented the delegation with an icon of All Saints of North America. Since entering into the Sister Cities relationship in the early 1990s, exchanges highlighting the fields of medicine, education, and local government have been conducted. In the past, the parish has hosted visits by Sarov’s Deputy Mayor and, most recently, a team of Sarov firefighters.