“Spiral of Divine Ascent:” Pilgrims will explore their Orthodox heritage and roots in Alaskan cruise

Sovereign Cruises and Events LLC is sponsoring a cruise that is both a conference and a pilgrimage, in which travelers can explore the roots of Orthodoxy in North America. The cruise sets sail on Sunday, September 16 and continues until Sunday, September 23, 2012. The theme – “Spiral of Divine Ascent: Experiencing and Defending the Glory of Orthodox Christianity,” will be reinforced by a wide variety of daily lectures and workshops offered by Father Meletios Webber, Abbot of Saint John’s Monastery, Manton, CA, and Father Laurent Cleenewerck, author and Academic Advisor at the Theological Institute of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Mexico and Acting Rector of Saint Innocent Church, Eureka, CA.
Pilgrims, who will travel via the Holland American Line Ms. Oosterdam, will also be afforded the opportunity of visiting breathtaking Alaskan landscapes and explore Juneau and Sitka, the home of hte historic Archangel Michael Cathedral.
The pilgrimage is being conducted with the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West.
Registration and Information are available at the Sovereign Cruises website.