St. Mary's Cathedral

Minneapolis, Minnesota

St. Mary's Cathedral

Founded 1887

Diocese: Diocese of the Midwest

Deanery: Minneapolis Deanery


1701 5th St NE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413



Office: 612-781-7667

Parish Contacts

Associate Priest
Retired, Attached
Retired, Attached
Retired, Attached
Retired, Attached
Retired, Attached

Lay Leadership

Mrs. Julie Miller
Church School Coordinator
Rev. Benjamin Tucci
Youth Coordinator
Reader Zachariah Mandell
Choir Director

Schedule of Services

6:15 PM Vespers from Tuesday through Friday.

5:00 PM Vespers.  June through September services held in cemetery chapel.
Saturday Evening

9:00 AM Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral followed by Coffee Hour; Church School begins at 11:00 AM.  IN THE SUMMER, Divine Liturgy is served at 9:00 AM in the Cathedral, and at 8:30 AM at the cemetery chapel, located at 31st and Stinson Blvd, St. Anthony.
Sunday Morning

6:30 AM Akathist
Wednesday Morning

9:00 AM Akathist
Thursday Morning

7:00 PM Vespers.
Eves of Great Feasts

9:00 AM Divine Liturgy.
Mornings of Great Feasts

Summer Schedule:  Cathedral Sunday services at 9:00 AM.  8:30 AM Divine Liturgy at Cemetery Chapel, located at 31st and Stinson Blvd, St Anthony.

For a complete list of upcoming services, please visit the Monthly Calendar on the parish website.

Parish Background

The parish was founded in 1887 by Carpatho-Rusyn immigrants from the Slovakian region of the Austro-Hungarian empire.  The present church building was constructed in 1905.  Fr Alexis Toth, the first parish priest, was canonized in 1994.  The education building is across the street from the church.

Cathedral Restoration
Comprehensive building inspections were performed on the historic 100 year old Cathedral and the Parish Center in 2003.  These inspections indicated that major repairs to the Cathedral were badly needed; including replacement of the original copper roof and the main dome windows, waterproofing of the entire foundation, repairs to the bell tower/steeple, and upgrading of the attic electrical wiring to meet code.

A multi-million dollar Capital Campaign was commenced in fall 2004 towards restoring the historic Cathedral to its original condition and beauty.  To date, parishioners have made personal commitments totaling $2.7 million to the restoration project.  Loans from parishioners and a bank have been obtained for the additional funding required.  Restoration work is currently being done and is scheduled for completion in fall 2006.

We invite all of our friends to share our passion for the preservation of this historic Cathedral.  Please consider making a financial contribution to the St. Mary’s Cathedral Capital Campaign.  Gifts may be sent to the Cathedral Office at 1701 Fifth Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413.  Thank you for your consideration and good will.