Scripture Readings

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today’s commemorated feasts and saints

Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete. Ven. Gerasimus of the Jordan (475). Ven. Gerásim of Vologdá (1178). Ven. Joasaph of Snetogórsk (Pskov—1299). Rt. Blv. Prince Basil (Vasilko) of Rostov (1238). Rt. Blv. Prince Daniel of Moscow (1303). Martyrs Paul and his sister, Juliana (ca. 273). St. James (Jacob) the Faster of Phœnicia (Syria—6th c.). Translation of the Relics of Rt. Blv. Prince St. Wenceslas (Viacheslav), Prince of the Czechs (935). St. Gregory, Bishop of Constantia, Cyprus.