Scripture Readings
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Today’s commemorated feasts and saints
8th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 7. Apostles Silas and Silvanus of the Seventy, and those with them: Crescens, Epenetus, and Andronicus (1st c.). Martyr John the soldier at Constantinople. Uncovering of the Relics of Ven. Herman of Solovétsky Monastery (1484). Hieromartyr Polychronius, Bishop of Babylon, and Martyrs Parmenius, Helimenas, and Chrysotelus—Presbyters, Luke and Moscius—Deacons, and Abdon, Sennen, Maximus and Olympius (ca. 251). Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna (Terni) in Italy, and Martyrs Proculus, Ephebus, Apollonius and Abundius, youths (ca. 273).