Reflection on the Sunday of Saint John Climacus

The Ladder of Saint John leads the Christian, step by step, rung by rung, along the ascent to heaven. Naturally, the higher steps involve more dangerous temptations and more exalted virtues. For many of us, who remain perpetual beginners, it is good to be reminded of the first steps: we must renounce the world, become detached from worldly cares, regard this world as a place of exile, and submit ourselves to God in obedience. In a monastery, obedience can be very involved; for those living in the world, obedience begins with simple things: treating our parents, spouses, siblings, children, bosses, employees, co-workers, fellow parishioners, and parish clergy with due respect and fitting deference, and by involving ourselves ever more deeply in the life of the Church: fasting, worshipping, praying in accord with the holy tradition. Ultimately, obedience is reliance and trust in God concretely realized by active subjection to his will as expressed in the definite circumstances of our lives.