Uncovering of the relics of Saint Innocent, Bishop of Irkutsk

Saint Innocent, the first Bishop of Irkutsk, reposed on November 27, 1731. But because the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God is commemorated on that day, his Feast Day is celebrated on November 26.
After the Saint's death, his persecutors received their just retribution. Archimandrite Anthony was discredited in Beijing as unorthodox. He was returned to St. Petersburg, deposed and imprisoned. Soon afterward, the Vice-Governor of Irkutsk was executed for his crimes.
In 1764, the body of Saint Innocent was discovered to be incorrupt during restoration work on the Ascension Monastery’s Tikhvin church. Many miracles occurred not only at Irkutsk, but also in the remote places of Siberia, for those who turned to the Saint in prayer.
In 1783, there was a great fire at Ascension Monastery. Everything that could burn was burnt. However, the old wooden temple, where the Saint's body rested, remained unharmed.
On February 9, 1805, the Most Holy Synod decided to uncover the Hierarch's relics and to number him among the Saints.
On February 2, 1831, the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord, His Grace Bishop Benjamin took Vladyka's holy relics from his tomb and placed them in the midst of the Tikhvin church, and then he served the Divine Liturgy before them. A week later, on February 9, the Hierarch's relics were solemnly transferred from the Tikhvin church to the Ascension Cathedral in a Cross Procession with the wonderworking Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
In the twenties of the XX century, a period of persecution by the new godless authorities against Christians began. The Superior of Ascension Monastery was arrested, along with other hierarchs of Siberia. In 1921, the Saint's relics were subjected to a sacrilegious medical examination, after which they were taken from the orphaned Monastery, and then they disappeared for a long time.
In 1990, in one of the churches of the city of Yaroslavl, Saint Innocent's relics were discovered in a utility room. A medical examination showed that the body, which was not touched by decay, was that of Saint Innocent. His holy relics were returned to Irkutsk, and today they rest in Znamensky Monastery.
Saint Innocent, the first Bishop of Irkutsk is commemorated on November 26 (the day of his repose), February 9 (the discovery of his relics in 1805), June 10 (Synaxis of the Saints of Siberia), September 2 (the return of his relics to Irkutsk in 1990), on October 10 (Synaxis of the Saints of Volhynia), and on the third Sunday after Pentecost (Synaxis of the Saints of St. Petersburg).