Lives of the Saints

Sunday before the Nativity

Sunday before the Nativity

The Sunday before the Nativity of Christ we commemorate Adam and Eve (the first-created), the righteous Abel, son of Adam, the righteous Seth, son of Adam, the righteous Enos, son of Seth, the righteous Kenan, son of Enos, the righteous Mehaliel (Maleleim), son of Kenan, the righteous Jared, son of…

Forefeast of the Nativity of our Lord

Forefeast of the Nativity of our Lord

The Forefeast of the Nativity of the Lord begins on December 20. From now on, most of the liturgical hymns will be concerned with the birth of the Savior. At Vespers for this third day of the prefeast of the Nativity we sing, “Christ is born on earth to crush the power of evil, to enlighten…

Great Martyr Anastasia the Deliverer from Poisons, her teacher, Martyr Chrysogonos, and many with them

Great Martyr Anastasia the Deliverer from Poisons, her teacher, Martyr Chrysogonos, and many with them

The Great Martyr Anastasia (Anastasía) the Deliverer from Poisons, was a Roman by birth, who suffered for Christ during Diocletian’s persecution of Christians, circa 304. Her father was a pagan, and her mother Fausta was a secret Christian. As a child, Anastasia’s teacher was an educated and…