Feasts and saints with names like “SEM”

Prophet Shemaiah (Samaia or Semeias)

The Prophet Shemaiah (Samaia) lived under King Solomon and his son Rehoboam. At that time, the kingdom of Israel in the north was divided from the southern kingdom of Juda. Israel was comprised of ten loosely united tribes, and Juda of two tribes. The prophet ordered Rehoboam not to make war…

Venerable Theophanes and Saint Pansemne of Antioch

Venerable Theophanes and Saint Pansemne of Antioch

Saint Theophanes of Antioch was the son of pagans. At a youthful age he entered into marriage, but after three years his wife died. Saint Theophanes then came to believe in Christ and accepted Baptism. He gave up everything and began to live beyond the city in a manner of self-denial. He zealously…

“Chernigov-Gethsemane” Icon of the Mother of God

“Chernigov-Gethsemane” Icon of the Mother of God

The Chernigov-Gethsemane Icon of the Mother of God is a copy of the famed Ilyin-Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God (April 16), which was to be found at the Trinity-Ilyin monastery near Chernigov on Mount Boldina, and where in the eleventh century Saint Anthony of the Kiev Caves struggled in…