Feasts and saints with names like “VALENTINUS”

Martyrs Valentine and Pasikrates in Moesia, Bulgaria

Martyrs Valentine and Pasikrates in Moesia, Bulgaria

The Martyrs Valentine and Pasikrates came from the city of Durostorum, Silistria (now Bulgaria) and were soldiers under the governor Absolanus. Pasikrates was twenty-two years old, and Valentine was thirty. When a persecution against Christians began, Saints Pasikrates and Valentine openly…

Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna, Terni in Italy, and those with him

The Hieromartyr Bishop Valentine and his three disciples, Proculus, Ephebus and Apollonius, and the righteous Abundius lived during the third century. Saint Valentine was a bishop in Umbria (Italy), in the city of Interamna. He received from God the gift of healing various maladies. At this time…