Venerable Euphrosynos, Igoumen of Pskov - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

Boldly rejecting earthly cares and all the vanity of this world for the sake of Christ's love, O blessed one, / and fulfilling all that the crucified Lord Jesus Christ commanded, / and, taking up His yoke, you obeyed His will in all things, / and, by working piously, you diligently fulfilled the commandments of Christ during your lifetime. / Therefore, God has glorified you, and after death, you work miracles from your revered tomb. / Therefore, your monastery became a rich, inexhaustible refuge and shelter for the poor. / O Venerable Father Euphrósynos, entreat Christ God that our souls may be saved.

Troparion — Tone 4

Desiring divine knowledge, you dwelt in the wilderness / and there, directing your mind to the heavenly abodes and living an earthly life like that of an Angel, / by your prayers, labors and fasting, you were an example for your disciples. / Therefore, seeing your good will, God increased the number of your children in the deserts, quenched by the rain of your tears, / but since you have boldness before God, / remember your flock, which you have gathered, O wise one, / and do not forget your promise to visit your children, O Euphrósynos, our Venerable Father.

Kontakion — Tone 8

You were enlightened with light from God, O Father, / having found the life of fasting, O Venerable One, / you were a wonderful example to the monks and the splendid adornment of fasters. / Therefore, the Lord, seeing your labors, enriched you with the gift of miracles, for you exude healing. / Rejoicing, we cry out to you: “Rejoice, O Father Euphrósynos, the adornment of monks.”