The Placing of the Honorable Robe of the Lord at Moscow - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

Today, let us the faithful resort to the divine and healing Robe of the Savior, our God, / Who was pleased to wear it on His body and to pour out His holy Blood on the Cross, / with which He redeemed us from slavery to the Enemy. / Therefore, with gratitude we cry out to Him: / “By Your sacred Robe, protect our land, our Hierarchs, our city, and all the people; / and as the lover of mankind, / save our souls.”

Kontakion — Tone 4

O Master, You bestowed Your sacred Robe as a divine treasure, / and as a garment of incorruption, healing, and salvation for all people. / For in it You were pleased to clothe the holy and Life-giving flesh of Your Incarnation. / Receiving it with zeal, we solemnly celebrate, / and with fear and love, we sing to our Benefactor, crying out to You, O Christ: / “Preserve all Orthodox Christians, their Hierarchs, and all people in peace, / according to Your great mercy.”