Ivḗron Icon of the Mother of God - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 1

The audacity of those who hated the Icon of the Lord and the might of the godless came to Nicaea, / and those who were sent there inhumanly tortured a widow who devoutly revered the Icon of the Mother of God; / but by night, she and her son cast the Icon into the sea, crying out: / “Glory to you, O pure one, for the impassable sea has given you its shoulders.1 / Glory to your straight way,2 O you who alone are incor­rupt.”

1 The waves.
2 Psalm 5:8.

Kontakion — Tone 8

Although your holy Icon was cast into the sea by the widow who could not save it from its enemies, O Theotokos, / it has been shown as the Guardian of Mount Athos and the Gate-Keeper of Ivḗron Monastery, / driving the Enemy away and delivering those who honor you from all misfor­tunes and dangers.