Contact Information
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Bishop's Office: 419-693-9540
Bishop's Fax: 419-693-9541
Chancery Office: 260-484-2277
Bishop's Office
519 Brynhaven Dr
Oregon, OH 43616-2809
Diocesan Chancellor
c/o St. Nicholas Cathedral
3535 Crescent Ave
Fort Wayne IN 46805-1507

The Most Reverend Alexander (Golitzin)
Archbishop of Dallas, the South and the Bulgarian Diocese
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July 2018
Diocesan Spiritual Council
The Most Reverend Alexander
Archbishop of Dallas, the South and the Bulgarian Diocese
V. Rev. Andrew Jarmus
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
V. Rev. Don A. Freude
Privy Councilor
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
V. Rev. Matthew-Peter Butrie
Bishop's Secretary
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V. Rev. Paul Monkowski
Rev. Silviu Bunta
Metropolitan Council Representatives
Dn. Bogdan Popescu
Daniel Ralich
Diocesan Council
His Eminence, Archbishop Alexander
Archpriest Andrew Jarmus
Vice President
Hegumen Stephen (Scott)
Steve Timofeev
Dan Ralich
Property Manager
Hegumen Stephen (Scott)
Dr. John Coatney
Dan Gildenmeister
Greg Rajsich
Auditing Board
Eftim Gosheff
Cathy Krupko
Diocesan Consultants to the OCA
V. Rev. Michael Myers
OCA Evangelization
V. Rev. Don Freude
Bulgarian Immigrant / Mission Consultants
OCA Evangelization
OCA Communications