Ads and listings for 19th AAC, FOCA Convention commemorative book now being accepted

Ads and listings for the commemorative book that will be published in conjunction with the 19th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America [AAC] and the 92nd National Convention of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America [FOCA] are now being accepted.
The FOCA Convention will open in Saint Louis, MO on July 20, 2018, while the AAC will gather from July 23 through 27. Both events will share the same venue—the Saint Louis Union Station Hotel.
The commemorative book advertising order form is now available online. Several options, ranging in price from $150.00 for a full page ad to $20.00 for a one-line patron listing, are being offered.
Ads should be submitted as PDF or Word files to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Checks made payable to the OCA should be mailed to Donna Tesar, 5068 West Sixth Street, Brooklyn Heights, OH 44131. Deadline for all ads and listings is June 1, 2018. Questions and requests for additional information may be directed or texted to John Schultz at 304-479-5071.