Nativity, Theophany educational resources available from DCE

The Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Christian Education [DCE] has several resources available for individual and group study that focus on the upcoming Great Feasts of Nativity and Theophany.
In addition to over a dozen scripts and resources that provide ideas for Nativity Pageants and “yolkas” at, several new resources are now available. Among them are the following.
Calling All Ancestors of Christ to the Feast of His Nativity: A rhyming poem written by Father Daniel Kovalak, in the style of “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” this charming piece reviews the Ancestors of Christ, and describes both our liturgical and personal, spiritual preparation for the feast of the Nativity of Christ. Download it at
The Star and the Wise Men: A story written for younger children, describing the events of the Nativity of Christ and including the flight into Egypt, which is remembered on December 26. Find it at
Jesus is Baptized by Saint John: A colorful description of the life and work Saint John the Baptist, including the events of Theophany, in a story written for younger children. Download it at
Notes on Orthodox Worship: 12 Questions and Answers: A Downloadable pamphlet that can be offered in the parish tract rack and/or used as the basis of discussion for questions about how and why Orthodox Christian worship takes place. Find it at
Visit the DCE web site at for a wide variety of educational resources, lesson plans, and study units for all ages.