Chancellor’s Diary

by Fr. John Jillions

June 6, 2012

Wrath and Reason

God, as C.S. Lewis said of Aslan, “is not a tame lion.” We tend to want Him to be warm, fuzzy and forgiving and we get uncomfortable with the unpredictable, wrathful part of His character. But God’s ways are not our ways. Romans 1:18-27 is one of those passages that is disturbing because it…

June 5, 2012


Notice that Paul uses the word “called” three times in the opening verses of Romans: called to be an apostle, called to belong to Jesus Christ, called to be saints. God called Paul, but He also called the faithful of the Roman community.  How does anyone know they’ve been called? Paul’s calling was…

June 4, 2012

Day of the Holy Spirit

I’ve been looking forward to writing this column for months, and the Day of the Holy Spirit is a good time to start.  Ever since taking on the job of Chancellor last October I’ve wanted to connect more with everyone and this—with your prayers and God’s blessing—will be one way to…