Registration now open for summer 2013 Parish Ministries Conference

Registration is now open for “Faith in Action: Equipping the Saints for Worship, Learning and Service,” a parish ministries conference slated to be held on the campus of Marymount University, Arlington, VA July 10-13, 2013.
Registration and/or additional information may be accessed here. Those who wish to register by mail may download the registration form in PDF format.
Sponsored by four departments of the Orthodox Church in America—Liturgical Music and Translations, Christian Education, Christian Service and Humanitarian Aid, and Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministry—the conference will present practical and tested resources for parish-based ministries through a variety of thematic tracks, workshops and general presentations. It will build upon a similar OCA-sponsored gathering held in northwestern Ohio in 2010 that attracted upwards of 200 participants.
Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko, Dean Emeritus of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, will offer the keynote address. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, and His Grace, Bishop Mark of Baltimore, will be among those in attendance.