Parish Development

An Orthodox vision of the parish.
Parish administration and leadership.
Needs and talents assessment.
Education in the parish.
Parish fellowship and outreach.
Addressing special needs, and problems in the parish.
Groups, organizations and programs that contribute to parish life.
Parish growth.

Ministries for Youth and Choirs

Volume I - 1984

A Lay Worker’s Experiences


Since graduating from St. Vladimir’s Seminary in 1974. I have served the Orthodox Church, on a parish level, as a full-time choir director, and youth coordinator. While…

Letting People Know: Tips On Writing a First Impression

Volume I - 1984

Communication Piece About Your Parish

What do people in your local community know about your parish? Are you communicating what you really want them to know? One of the most important ways visitors form impressions…

I’m New Here

Volume I - 1984

Is God happy when He sends people out into a field ripe for the harvest and they come back empty-handed?

Did you ever wonder why many visitors who come to your parish once, do not come back? It might surprise us to…

Opening Up Your Parish

Volume I - 1984

20 Ways to Encourage Parish Growth

Encourage active parishioners through sermons, prayers, and bulletins to witness to their faith by their lives and to talk about the Church with others. Send bulk mailings to ail…

Creating a Parish Library

Volume II - 1983

St Michael’s Library was “born” in the fall of 1978, when our parish voted to purchase once a month a book written by Orthodox authors for Orthodox people. Intensely interested in the operations of small libraries,…

Gathered In My Name

Volume I - 1983

A Layman’s View Of The Orthodox Parish

People gather for various reasons. Sometimes it is purely for friendship. Often it is to support an idea, a position, or a particular person. Other times, people who might…

Look At How Much They Love Each Other

Volume I - 1983

When the Church was very young, when the death and resurrection and ascension of Jesus was fresh in the memory of His friends, and when the classical world was at the zenith of its power and influence, how was it…

Singing Children

Volume I - 1983

“Liturgy” by definition implies action, and children more than most are soon bored when placed in the role of mere spectators. Now that most of our dioceses and parishes are encouraging the attendance of children at…

Organizing Business Women To Serve The Church

Volume I - 1983

The Orthodox Church is rooted in the family. Every woman takes the Holy Theotokos as a model for herself, so that in some little way she may be in the home what the blessed Mother of God is to the Church.


Our Mission Parishes

Volume I - 1982

Perhaps every Orthodox priest assigned to a mission has at one time or other dreamed of a book titled “The Establishment and Care of Mission Parishes in Ten Easy Steps.” Yet we know such a manual is wild fantasy.…