2011 Mission Trip to Project Mexico honors the late Archbishop Job’s memory
The Diocese of the Midwest is organizing a mission trip to Project Mexico to honor the memory of His Eminence, the late Archbishop Job of Chicago, July 12-18, 2011.
Depending on the number of participants, the goal is to build 12 to 15 homes in the Tijuana, Mexico area in Archbishop Job’s memory.
“The trip is being organized in recognition of Archbishop Job’s devotion to and concern for youth and youth adults,” said Matushka Ruth Yavornitzky, Rochester, MI, mission trip organizer. “Archbishop Job continually challenged young people to put their faith into action—and surely reaching out through Project Mexico will not only provide a life-changing experience for those for whom we hope to build homes, but for the builders as well!”
Deadline for trip registration is July 31, 2010. Detailed information, registration forms, etc. may be found on the Midwest Diocese web site at www.midwestdiocese.org/projectmexico.html. The projected per-participant cost is approximately $1,200.00, which will vary according to travel costs between participants’ home destinations and San Diego, CA, the trip’s point-of-origin and Project Mexico’s home base.
Matushka Ruth may be contacted at "mailto:ruthyav@hotmail.com">.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).