Departments of the Orthodox Church in America

The Orthodox Church in America’s departments provide a wealth of ministry resources. In an effort to expand the Church’s efforts in essential areas of Church life, the departments produce appropriate materials, offer a wide variety of seminars and workshops, and serve as a clearing house for the implementation of new ministries and the expansion of those already in existence.

Department of Christian Education

Support for the educational ministries of the clergy, Church school teachers, families, and others engaged in faith formation on every age level is the focus of the Department of Christian Education.

Department of Continuing Education

Creates and delivers continuing education offerings and materials, promotes collegial clergy and lay leader experiences, and administers the Continuing Clergy Development program.

Department of Evangelization

Focuses its attention on studying and acting upon the Great Commission of Our Lord to “teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Department of Liturgical Music and Translations

Serves as an advisory body to the Metropolitan and the Holy Synod of Bishops in matters concerning liturgical translations and music, liturgics, and other matters affecting the liturgical life of the Church.