Alumni Association of St. Herman Seminary
The Association encourages fellowship among graduates and former students of St. Herman Seminary and offers support for the school’s ongoing ministry.
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The Association encourages fellowship among graduates and former students of St. Herman Seminary and offers support for the school’s ongoing ministry.
The Alumni Association was organized to maintain ties among the graduates, students, and faculty of the Seminary. One of the Association’s major aims is to promote the…
The Alumni Association promotes spiritual unity and fellowship among its members, supports the development of higher theological education, and renders moral and financial…
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America is one of thirteen bishops’ assemblies that have been established in different geographical…
The Orthodox Christian Education Commission is an agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America. It was founded in 1957 by a group of Orthodox…
The Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration is a pan-Orthodox association of Orthodox Christians, endorsed by SCOBA, which seeks “to proclaim the ecological mission of…
OISM was organized in the 1960s to foster closer relationships between students of canonical Orthodox seminaries in the US and Canada. Seminaries active in OISM include:
The OPF is an international association of Orthodox Christians who study and advocate on issues of peace and conflict in local, national and international contexts. The…
Created to foster communication among Orthodox Christian theologians in the US and abroad, the Orthodox Theological Society in America has as its primary aim the study,…
Thriving in Ministry (TIM) is a resource for clergy and clergy wives, administered by the Orthodox Church in America’s (OCA) Office of Pastoral Life. In 2018, they were…
Elijah’s Mantle is a conduit for used and excess liturgical items to be reused by other churches and missions as they are needed. It relies completely on donations from…
As an expression of Christ’s love FOCUS North America serves the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick and imprisoned by providing Food, Occupation, Clothing,…
Now in its 20th year of existence, IOCC has transformed lives by providing over $400 million dollars of relief and development aid to vulnerable families and communities…
OCAMPR exists to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and promote Christian fellowship among healing professionals in medicine, psychology and religion. Members pursue an…
The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) proclaims and practices the evangelical imperative of the Orthodox faith based on the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus…
Orthodox Christians for Life (“OC Life”) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church on the sacred nature of human life…
RBR was founded in 1979 to provide religious books for Orthodox Christians in the Soviet Union. Since it is now possible to publish and distribute religious literature in…
The St. Nicholas Uganda Children’s Fund provides for the education, health, and welfare of Ugandan children, teens, and young adults. We are driven by the biblical…
Do your part to help expand the mission by donating today!
The Stewards of the OCA [SOCA] is an important part of the support system necessary for the Church…
Established in 1972, the foundation helps promote and support Orthodox theological education in America.
The foundation helps promote and support Orthodox theological education in America.
The foundation helps promote and support Orthodox theological education in America.
ARFORA was founded in 1938 to support the work of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate on the national level. Among its many activities, ARFORA holds an annual Congress.
We are the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA), an official organization of the Orthodox Church in America, and our mission is to proclaim, share and…
In business since 1935, Insurance Systems Group is an insurance agency/brokerage of Orthodox Christians specializing in insurance and risk management services uniquely…
The Loyal Christian Benefit Association (LCBA) is a fraternal benefit society with a history that goes back to 1890. Our membership is an active and vital part of many…
The Orthodox Brotherhood was founded in 1975 as an adult fellowship of men and women of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate that supports and promotes diocesan ministries…
The Orthodox Brotherhood was founded in 1967 as an adult fellowship of men and women of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate that supports and promotes diocesan ministries…
RBO offers Life Insurance, Annuities & Fraternal Benefits, such as scholarships to its members… call today to sign up or to set up a presentation in your area.
On July 1,…
Ancient Faith Ministries exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through accessible and excellently-crafted publications and creative media that educate,…
The mission of the Orthodox Christian Network is to bring the Orthodox Faith to the Fingertips of all Orthodox Christian around the world.
To accomplish their mission,…
Orthodox.TV is at the center of a powerful new convergence of television, radio, and the Internet – a reality that is carrying Orthodox Christian information and…
The Hogar Rafael Ayau orphanage in Guatemala City is home to neglected and abandoned children who have been brought into the Hogar family and raised in a warm and loving…
Holy Trinity provides a broad range of skilled nursing and rehabilitation services while maintaining the highest standard of personal care for residents. This care is…
The Orthodox Christian Deaf Association (OCDA) was formed with the blessing of Archbishop Alexander (Golitzin) of the Diocese of the South in April 2020. It is under the…
The Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative strives to foster servant leadership with clergy and laity of all jurisdictions working together locally, nationally, and…
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) is the national prison ministry of the Orthodox Church and an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops.
The mission…
The Orthodox Church Capital Improvement Fund (OCCIF) was created to assist parishes, missions, and monastic communities, who serve the canonical jurisdictions of Orthodox…
Since 1988, Project Mexico has been involving young people in the alleviation of suffering by building homes for Mexico’s poor. In 1996, St. Innocent Orthodox Orphanage…
The Tolstoy Foundation, established in 1939 by Alexandra Tolstoy, youngest daughter of Leo Tolstoy, and others, is a non-profit international philanthropic organization…
Zoe for Life is a support organization, endorsed by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, for women in crisis pregnancies. It aims to offer emotional and spiritual…
Founded in 1950, AROY is a federation of parish junior and senior youth clubs dedicated to Orthodox Christianity through faith, knowledge, and good works. AROY is…
The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting [EOCS] was created in 1960 by the Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, whose purpose is to conduct the…
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official campus ministry effort under SCOBA. They are a Pan-Orthodox effort, overseen by an Executive Committee and aided by an…
The Orthodox Youth Directors in North America work on joint efforts to benefit the youth, young adults, and youth workers of the Orthodox faithful. This is a working…