An Invitation to join the Centennial Choir marking the 100th anniversary of St. Tikhon Monastery
SYOSSET, NY [OCA Communications] — Choir directors, choir members, and faithful are invited to join the “centennial choir” that will sing at the Divine Liturgy marking the 100th Anniversary of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk Monastery, South Canaan, PA, on Monday, May 30, 2005.
“To enhance this historic celebration, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman has asked that I direct a 100-plus-voice choir to sing at the centennial Liturgy,” said the Very Rev. Sergei Glagolev, a well known musician and director emeritus of the Fellowship of Orthodox Stewards. “His Beatitude and the entire episcopate of the Orthodox Church in America, as well as hierarchs of other Churches, will concelebrate the Liturgy as part of the observance of this special anniversary. The Liturgy will also be recorded.”
The music that will be sung at the Liturgy will be distributed in the near future, together with particulars concerning participation in the choir.
Those who are interested in joining the choir are invited to contact Father Glagolev at the OCA Chancery, PO Box 675, Syosset, NY 11791, by March 1, 2005.
“Established in 1905 by Saint Patriarch Tikhon during his years as archbishop in North America and Archimandrite [later Archbishop] Arseny, the monastery is North America’s oldest,” said the Very Rev. John Matusiak, OCA communications director. “Over the past century, countless pilgrims have passed under the landmark arch at the monastery entrance to find spiritual comfort and strength, to gather with other Orthodox Christians in prayer and fellowship, and to reaffirm their commitment to Christ and His Holy Church. The centennial celebration will mark yet another important milestone in the Church in North America’s spiritual heritage.”
Rooms have been reserved for pilgrims at the Comfort Inn, Hamlin, PA, a short drive from the monastery. In view of the unprecedented number of pilgrims expected to participate in the pilgrimage, it is advised that reservations be made early by calling the Comfort Inn at 800-523-4426 or 570-689-4148.