Archpastoral Message of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman on the 2005 Charity Appeal
November 2005
Dearly Beloved in the Lord,
We live in a world that encourages us to look for ways to make our lives easy, to satisfy our every whim, and to focus on our own needs, often at the expense of those around us. Indeed, this presents those who have made the commitment to follow Christ with a formidable challenge.
But as Orthodox Christians, we know that Our Lord, Jesus Christ clearly teaches us on countless occasions to help ease the burdens of others, to reach out to those in need, and to tend to the “least of the brethren” out of selfless love.
This “giving of the self” out of love for God and others is especially evident in Our Lord’s parable of the Good Samaritan a parable that we will hear and contemplate during the month of November. While the priest and levite ignore the victim, the Samaritan stops, shows compassion, and tends to his needs. Christ calls us to emulate the Samaritan’s example, to offer compassion to those who are often ignored by others or society in general, those who have fallen victim to any number of unfortunate circumstances.
Today, as in Our Lord’s time, there are many who have no one to whom they can turn in their time of need, no one from whom they can experience the compassion so freely offered by the good Samaritan. Yet his example stands as a reminder that at the very center of our faith stands the challenge to reach out to those in need.
In an effort to respond to Our Lord’s challenge, The Orthodox Church in America conducts its annual Charity Appeal in November. Your generous contributions help those in need to offset medical expenses, assist those who have lost insurance benefits due to ongoing unemployment, address dire emergencies that affect lay and clergy families alike, and meet countless other issues that many of us have never had to face personally. As in years past, many people have turned to The Orthodox Church in America for assistance this year. Together, we can offer a glimmer of “the hope that is within us” the hope that is rooted in the love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ to those who turn to us in their time of need.
Please join me in making a commitment to emulate the good Samaritan’s example. Pray for the poor, the homeless, the unemployed, the destitute, and those in distress. Offer a tangible sign of your concern by making a prayerful and sacrificial contribution to the Charity Appeal, knowing that many individuals and families will benefit from your generosity.
In Christ,
Archbishop of Washington and New York
Metropolitan of All America and Canada
Contributions to the Charity Appeal may be sent to:
Orthodox Church in America
P.O. Box 675
Syosset, NY 11791
or make your donation ONLINE by clicking here.
Learn about the 2005 Charity Appeal.