Archpastoral Message of Metropolitan Herman for the June 2005 Seminary Appeal
June 2005
Dearly Beloved in Christ,
Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!
This July, we will gather as the Orthodox Church in America at the 14th All-American Council in Toronto, Ontario. Reflecting on the theme “Our Church and the Future,” the delegates will discuss the essentials of building up of Christ’s Holy Church in North America. Today, the growing number of mission communities and the increasing enrollment at our seminaries bear witness to our Church’s commitment to continue the mission of Saint Herman of Alaska and his companions to bring Orthodox Christianity to the peoples of this continent.
As more missions are planted and an increasing number of today’s clergy reach retirement age, the need for qualified candidates to serve the Church will increase in the years to come. The future of every parish depends on your commitment to assist those who accept the call to minister to the needs of our faithful. Your support of the annual OCA Seminary Appeal will help reduce the expense of training tomorrow’s leaders today!
It is my prayer that you will join me in providing generous financial assistance to those who have made great personal sacrifices in their desire to serve as choir directors, teachers, professors, deacons, and priests. Please remember to pray for them, that God will strengthen their service and inspire even more individuals to accept the call to serve in the vineyard of Our Lord.
May God bless you abundantly for making a commitment to theological education and formation and to the future leaders of the Orthodox Church in America.
With love in the risen Lord,
Archbishop of Washington and New York
Metropolitan of All America and Canada
Learn about the 2005 Seminary Appeal.