August 2003 Schedule for “Come Receive the Light” Radio Network includes noted OCA clergy
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FORT LAUDERDALE, FL—The August 2003 Schedule of Programs from the Orthodox Radio Network “Come Receive the Light” has been announced:
Topic: The Nicean Creed part 3 of 3
Guest: V. Rev. Fr. Thomas Hopko
Fr. Thomas Hopko returns concluding the three part series on the Nicean Creed. As the Nicene Creed was formulated at the Councils in Nicea, it has become recognized since then as the authoritative expression of the fundamental beliefs of the Orthodox Church. Be sure to tune as Fr. Hopko will continue to guide us through a very informative discussion on the Creed which is recited at the time of Baptism and during every Divine Liturgy.
Topic: How do you say the Divine Liturgy wearing a gas mask?
Guest: Rev. Fr. John Brown, Chaplain US Army
The life of a military chaplain is a horrific, exhilarating duty that goes way beyond praising the Lord and passing the ammunition. Chaplains are an important link to the civilized world. Rev. Fr. John Brown, Army Reserve Chaplain and priest-in-charge of Holy Apostles Orthodox Mission, Bloomington-Normal, IL joins us from the desert as he shares with us his experiences, his encounters and enlightens us of how he is able to perform daily/weekly religious ceremonies during wartime. Be sure to tune in to a very enriching program.
Topic: The Seventh Ecumenical Council
Guest: Fr. John Behr
Fr. John Behr returns concluding his series on the Ecumenical Councils focusing this week on the Seventh Ecumenical Council, as well as provide a wrap-up to his discussion on the Ecumenical Councils. The Seventh Ecumenical Council was held in Nicea, Asia Minor in 787 under Empress Irene with 367 Bishops present. The Seventh Ecumenical Council focused mainly around the use of icons in the Church and the controversy between the iconoclasts and iconophiles. Be sure to tune to this very informative program on the teachings of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.
Topic: A Conversation with Metropolitan NICHOLAS
Guest: Metropolitan NICHOLAS, Ruling Diocesan Hierarch American Carpatho-Russian Diocese of the USA
CRTL welcomes Metropolitan NICHOLAS, Ruling Diocesan Hierarch American Carpatho-Russian Diocese of the USA to the program for a brief dialogue on his life and his views of the future of Orthodoxy in America. Metropolitan Nicholas was enthroned in Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Johnstown PA on Bright Friday, April 19, 1985. He was elected Metropolitan by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on November 24, 1997. Be sure to tune to what is surely to be an enjoyable and spiritually uplifting conversation with Metropolitan NICHOLAS.
Topic: The Saints of the Church before the Schism
Guest: Terry Mattingly
Terry Mattingly joins the program this week as he introduces the listening audience to the Saints of the Church before the schism featuring Saint Brendan as the first in this series. On a clear day, an adventurer atop Mount Brandon can gaze into the Atlantic and see the rocky Three Sisters, the Skellig islands and other enticing glimmers on the horizon. The Irish saint for whom the mountain is named did more than look. St. Brendan, the 6th century abbot, set out in a leather-and-wood boat, with 17 other monks, to find the Promised Land in the West. Be sure to tune in to hear the rest of the story.
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