Chicago Deanery Lenten Vesper schedule announced
CHICAGO, IL [OCA Communications] — The Chicago Deanery of the Diocese of the Midwest recently announced its schedule of Sunday evening Lenten Vespers services.
Each service will begin at 6:00 p.m. Presentations on the theme “So Great a Cloud of Witnesses” [Hebrews 12:1] will be given after each service by instructors and students in the deanery’s higher adult education program.
March 4, Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas
Saint Elizabeth Church
545 West Indiana, Chesterton, IN
Deacon Thomas Keith will speak on Saint Silouan of Mount Athos.
March 11, Sunday of the Cross
Saint Panteleimon Church
7549 West 61 Place, Summit, IL
Anna Strelka will speak.
March 18, Sunday of Saint John of the Ladder
Archangel Michael Church
5037 West 83 Street, Burbank, IL
Rebecca Luft will speak on Archbishop Anthony Bloom.
March 25, Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt
Saint Nicholas Church
4313 18th Avenue, Kenosha, WI
Deacon Timothy Jones will speak.
April 1, Palm Sunday
Holy Trinity Cathedral
1121 North Leavitt Street, Chicago, IL