Conference on war and peace in the post human era
DEWDNEY, BC, CANADA—A conference titled “War and Peace in the Post-Human Era” will take place at the Orthodox Monastery of All Saints here September 12-13, 2008.
Cosponsored by the Department of Political Science, University of the Fraser Valley, The Chester Ronning Centre For the Study of Religion and Civil Society, University of Alberta, and the Orthodox Peace Fellowship, the conference will begin on Friday, September 12, 5:00 p.m. with prayers for the victims on all sides in the Russian/Georgian conflict, prayers for peace, and a discussion titled “The Crisis in the Caucasus: The Use and Manipulation of Small States by the More Powerful States.
The main part of the conference on Saturday, September 13, will feature presentations by Dr. Apostolos Apostolides, Centre for the Civilian Control of the Military, Geneva, Switzerland: ” The Impact of War on Men;” Prof. Scott Fast, Professor of Political History, UFV: “Globalisation, Empire, and the Homoginisation of Everything;” Archbishop Lazar Puhalo, Canadian Secretary of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship: “Why the Title, War and Peace in the Post-Human Era: The Age of the Disposable Human Being;” Prof. Ron Dart, Professor of Philosophy, UFV; “The Christian Peace Tradition;” and Dr. Timothy Cooper, Chairman, Department of Physics, UFV: “Global Warming: Man is Not Just Another Animal, He has Responsibilities.” David J. Goa, Director of the Chester Ronning Centre, also will speak.
The Saturday session will include coffee breaks and lunch. It will be held at the Canadian Orthodox Monastery, 37323 Hawkins-Pickle Road, Dewdney, BC. A registration donation of $25 is asked.
For more information and directions, telephone (604) 826-9336 or e-mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).