DCE Cleveland-area conference explores Book of Genesis
Over 40 laypersons and clergy gathered at Holy Trinity Church here on Saturday, June 30, 2007, for a religious education conference sponsored by the Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Christian Education [DCE].
Titled “In the Beginning,” the conference examined how the Book of Genesis could be taught to Church school students of various age and grade levels.
In opening remarks, the Very Rev. Vladimir Berzonsky, host pastor, spoke about the important task of the clergy and laity to teach and guard the faith. He encouraged the participants to delve into the faith, rather than “hovering above” it, and emphasized the need to reach out to parents who are struggling to bring up their children in our post-modern world.
“We also were pleased to welcome the Very Rev. Andrew Jarmus, who will be assuming duties as the OCA Director of Ministries and Communications on August 1, 2007,” said Mrs. Alexandra Safchuk, DCE co-chair. “He spoke about the importance of Christian education as an act of formation, both informing the mind and, more importantly, transforming the heart.”
The Very Rev. Eugene Vansuch, executive director of the Fellowship of Orthodox Stewards, which supports the work of the OCA’s departments, also participated in the conference.
Two keynote presentations were offered. Mrs. Valerie Zahirsky, DCE co-chair, spoke on “Genesis for 2007: How Genesis Can Help Our Kids Navigate Their World.” She observed how our young people are often confronted by the claims of other faiths and the influence of those who support relative truth. She also discussed a number of issues facing our youth today and how the Church and the Fathers addressed them.
The Very Rev. Theodore Bobosh, rector of Saint Paul Church, Dayton, OH, spoke on “Opening Our Minds to Scripture: How Do We Read the Book of Genesis?” Scripture is not like a Magic 8 ball, he said, by which we can open up to one verse or story for all the answers. He made parallels between Genesis 1-3 and certain passages in the New Testament, while emphasizing how our study of Scripture is not always about the answers, but about formulating the questions.
Informative, interactive workshops on lesson planning, resource material, classroom organization, and teaching techniques were offered by DCE members. One workshop discussed issues, such as evolution and same-sex attraction and marriage, that need to be dealt with in our classrooms and the ages at which these issues should be discussed.
Participants also took advantage of a number of displays offering Orthodox Christian educational resources.
In conjunction with the conference, Father Andrew met with DCE members to discuss the department’s current initiatives and future plans.
“I was very grateful to have an opportunity to meet with members of the DCE while in Parma,” Father Andrew said. “Our Church is blessed to have such a dedicated group of experienced educators involved in this very important ministry. Their energy and enthusiasm are infectious.”
Additional conferences in other regions will be held in the near future. To host a conference in your area, please contact the DCE at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
Photographs from the conference are available.