Deans, Diocesan Chancellors to attend first Evangelism Conference June 9-11
The Life Giving Spring Retreat Center here will be the site of a national evangelism conference, “Rediscovering the Great Commission: Baptize All Nations,” June 9-11, 2003.
Sponsored by the Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Evangelization, the conference is especially designed for district deans, diocesan chancellors, and the department’s diocesan representatives who, in turn, will share information and resources with clergy and laity in their respective regions. The conference will feature teaching sessions on the vision of evangelism in North America, workshops on practical aspects of mission planting and Church growth, and discussions on engaging the wider culture in which the Church finds itself. Participants will also have an opportunity to review and critique the department’s, Missions Handbook, which is slated for publication in the immediate future.
Presentations will be offered by several department members, including the Rev. David Rucker [“The Basis and Nature of the Orthodox Evangelistic Mandate”], the Rev. Steven Freeman [“The Historical Legacy: Mission and Evangelism from the Fathers to Today”], the Rev. James Dank [“Non-Traditional Outreach”], and the Rev. Basil Aden [“The Gospel in the Secularized North American Context”].
According to the Rev. Eric George Tosi, department chairperson, a second conference, open to all clergy and faithful, will be held in 2004.