Departments to co-host ministry skills conference July 25-28
SYOSSET, NY [OCA Communications] — “The Heart Assured: Works of Love in Deed and Truth” will be the theme of a skills conference to be cosponsored by the OCA’s Department of Pastoral Life and Ministry and the Department of Christian Witness and Service at Marymount University, Arlington, VA, July 25-28, 2007.
“The conference will focus on clergy and laity working together to develop ministires that address a variety of needs found in every parish community,” said Mrs. Donna Karabin, who chairs the Department of Christian Witness and Service. “Numerous workshops will help equip participants in ministeries to children, adults, seniors, the infirm, clergy and their families, and a number of other groups.”
Registration fees are $125.00 before July 1 and $150.00 after that date. Meals are an additional $90.00. Air conditioned campus housing is $40.00 per night single, $32.00 per night double. Registration for those wishing to attend for a single day is $75.00, including meals.
Additional information will be sent to all parishes and will appear on the OCA web site at, or may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Arlene Kallaur, at 516-922-0550; .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address); Mrs. Katherine Vitko at 703-892-1412; .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address); or the Very Rev. Andrew Morbey at 612-788-1947; .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).