February 2007 Program Schedule for “Come Receive the Light” Orthodox Radio Network
FT. LAUDERDALE, FL — Schedule of Programs for February 2007, Theme: Marriage, on “Come Receive the Light” Orthodox Radio Network
02/04/2007 Topic: How to Find a Spouse
Guest: Fr. Charles Joanides
What is an ideal spouse and how do we find that ideal spouse? Fr. Chris welcomes back Fr. Charles Joanides who will share with us what we as Orthodox Christians can look for in finding that ideal spouse who we wish to share the rest of our lives with. Fr. Charles will emphasize that we should find someone who we are compatible with, have the same background, and have the same beliefs. He stresses that we should truly get to know that person before making that final commitment and not rush into a marriage and find out later something that you don’t like about your spouse. Be sure to tune in for an educational program for those who are seeking marriage.
02/11/2007 Topic: What do I look for in a spouse?
Guest: V. Rev. Fr. Don & Khouriya Maggie Hock
Building on last week’s program, we welcome Fr. Don and Khouriya Maggie Hock to discuss the importance of how does one choose a spouse. Fr. Don and Khouriya Maggie discuss the elements which are important to look for when you are choosing your mate, for example are they committed and dedicated in building a relationship, do they share your same values and spiritual life, are you willing to work together and share in the same journey. However, shared faith practice is the key bonding of a successful long-term marriage. Tune in and see what more Fr. Don and Khouriya Maggie have to say about building a strong marriage until death do you part.
02/18/2007 Topic: How do I continue to love my spouse throughout the years?
Guest: Fr. Jim and Donna Pappas
What does it take to continue to love your spouse throughout the years, through good times, bad times, sickness, and health? What is it that keeps the love flowing in a marriage and what do we need to do to sustain it? Be sure to tune in for spiritually uplifting program as Fr. Jim Presvytera Donna Pappas will share their thoughts with us.
02/25/2007 Topic: Blissful Marriage- Is it possible today?
Guest: V. Rev. Fr. Don & Khouriya Maggie Hock
Fr. Don and Khouriya Maggie return, as they will speak this week on the possibility of truly having a Blissful Marriage.
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For more information please contact:
Sub Deacon Nicholas Tentzeras, Booking Director
Come Receive The Light (CRTL) The National Orthodox Christian Radio Ministry
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