Holy Synod, Metropolitan Council conclude extraordinary joint meeting
SYOSSET, NY [OCA Communications] — The extraordinary joint meeting of the
Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America and the Metropolitan Council ended with a final session after the celebration of the Divine Liturgy for the feast of Saint Herman of Alaska on Wednesday, December 13, 2006.
The joint meeting was held to respond to a growing number of concerns with regard to the Church’s finances and a number of related matters.
On Tuesday, December 12, the hierarchs and Metropolitan Council members heard the long-awaited investigative report of Proskaur Rose and outside auditors. In response, a committee consisting of His Emininence, Archbishop
Job of Chicago; His Grace, Bishop Benjamin of Berkeley; the Very Revs. Vladimir Berzonsky and John Reeves; Mr. Gregory Nescott and Dr. Faith Skordinski, was named to continue the investigation. [For an account of decisions will made at
Tuesday’s session, read the release dated December 12 on the OCA web site.]
On Monday, December 11, the members of the Metropolitan Council met separately to deliberate on a number of issues.
The far-reaching report of the Reorganization Task Force was unanimously accepted for implementation. The new structure calls for a division and sharing of administrative responsibilities among the chancellor, secretary, treasurer, and director of ministry and communications, all of whom will report directly to the Metropolitan. The change allows for increased professionalism and shared responsibility, fostering openness and mutual accountability. A committee was appointed to initiate a search for interested and qualified candidates.
The new structure will provide clear reporting channels and job descriptions for all chancery personnel. Further, the number of central administrative employees will be reduced, resulting in an anticipated $500,000.00 decrease in staff expenses.
Metropolitan Council members established a charity committee, to be chaired by the Very Rev. John Reeves, to recommend priorities for allocation of existing charities and to determine future charitable projects. At their
September 2006 meeting, members of the Metropolitan Council established finance, audit, and investment committees.
Council members also named the Very Rev. Philip Reese as chair of the investment committee, and Mary Caetta, MBA, as chair of the audit committee. All four committees will be seeking volunteers among the faithful willing
to offer their expertise.
A 2007 draft budget, designed to be “real” and balanced, was thoroughly examined. The draft budget was formulated by the finance committee, chaired by the Very Rev. Matthew Tate. Several new initiatives pointed to the
ongoing intention of Metropolitan Council members to maximize spending on programs, such as the full funding of seminarian internships. The 2007 approved budget will be posted on the OCA web site.
In other actions,
A detailed report on the joint meeting will appear in the January-February 2007 issue of “The Orthodox Church” news magazine.