Inter-Orthodox camping conference to be held January 25-27, 2007
SYOSSET, NY [OCA Communications] — The fifth annual Inter-Orthodox Camping Conference will be held in Phoenix, Arizona, January 25-27, 2007.
Sponsored by the Orthodox Christian Camping Association and hosted by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Office of Camping Ministries, the conference will focus on the theme “Creating a Mission-Minded Camp.”
The Rev. Kevin Scherer, newly appointed executive director of Orthodox Christian Fellowship and creator and executive director of Orthodox Youth Outreach, a short term missions outreach program for teenagers, will deliver the keynote presentations. He will share his insights and experience in helping young people understand Christ’s commission to share the Gospel.
The conference is open to all Orthodox Christian camp directors, counselors, chaplains, and personnel.
A promotional poster, registration forms, schedule, and other information is available at