July “Come Receive the Light” program schedule announced
FT. LAUDERDALE, FL—The Orthodox Christian Network’s “Come Receive the Light” program schedule for July was recently released.
Topic: The Orthodox Study Bible
Guest: Fr. Bob Sanford
Fr. Bob Sanford talks about the Complete Orthodox Study Bible, including the long-awaited Old Testament, which Thomas Nelson Company will publish in February 2008. In addition, tune in to The Ark to hear our Special Moments in Orthodoxy segment as Fr. Christopher Metropulos converses with members of OCN’s Sister SCOBA Organizations; and in our Featured Artist Block we will hear the music of “Eikona".
Topic: Sacraments in Orthodox Understanding
Guest: Dr. Peter Bouteneff
Dr. Peter Bouteneff addresses the Orthodox Christian doctrine of the sacraments, the mysteries at the heart of our worship of God and our relationship with Jesus Christ. In addition, tune in to The Ark to hear our Special Moments in Orthodoxy segment as Fr. Peter Gillquist speaks on “Finding the New Testament Church". Also this week on Theologically Thinking we will join Fr. Charles Joanides as he speaks on Marriage, and in our Featured Artist Block we will hear the music of David Teems.
Topic: 40 Years of Service to the Church and the Media
Guests: Chris Botsaris
Chris Botsaris - also known as Chris Clark - reflects on his 41-year career as a television news anchor in Nashville, Tennessee. In addition, tune in to The Ark to hear our Theologically Thinking segment as Fr. Charles Joanides continues his short features on Marriage and in our Featured Artist Block we will hear the music of Hunt Sideway.
Topic: How to Keep Your Spouse
Guest: Fr. Charles Joanides
Fr. Charles Joanides, renowned family expert and author of Attending To Your Marriage, speaks frankly about how married couples can preserve their relationship. In addition, tune in to The Ark to hear Dr. Clark Carlton speak on “The Glory of God & the Salvation of Man" in our Special Moments in Orthodoxy segment and in our Featured Artist Block we will hear the music of “The Strawmen”.
Listen to “The ARK" your 24/7 source for Orthodox Christian music and much more. Programs are subject to change; please visit our web site for more information on programs, featured segments, and to subscribe to our e-newsletter.
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