Letter of His Beatitude Metropolitan Theodosius to President George Bush
September 12, 2001
Mr. George W. Bush
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC
Dear President Bush:
On behalf of the Holy Synod of Bishops and the clergy and faithful of the Orthodox Church in America, I wish to convey our commonly felt shock and outrage at what has transpired in the terrorist attacks against this nation and its people. I also wish to express my sincere and most profound sympathy to you and to all those who are suffering the consequences of the horrible tragedy so unexpectedly brought upon us. It is in times such as these that we turn to Christ, “the King of peace and Savior of our souls,” more fervently praying that God will grant peace and reconciliation to the world.
I have directed that prayers be offered in all parish churches of the Orthodox Church in America for those whose lives have been lost, for those who mourn them, and for all who are suffering. Be assured, also, of our continued prayerful support for you as you seek counsel in responding to this tragic attack against the United States, indeed, against all justice-minded and peace-loving persons throughout the world.
God bless you. God bless America.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada
Primate of the Orthodox Church in America