Listing of OCA chancellors, treasurers, and secretaries 1963-2007
In response to a number of questions submitted to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) during the past few days, a list of Orthodox Church in America chancellors, secretaries, and treasurers from 1963 until the present has been compiled by the OCA Department of History and Archives from minutes and other records from the permanent files of the OCA.
1963-1972 Protopresbyter Joseph Pishtey
1973-1988 Protopresbyter Daniel Hubiak
1988-2006 Protopresbyter Robert Kondratick
2007-present Archpriest Alexander Garklavs
1963-1966 Mr. Alexander Bezsmertny
1967-1968 Archpriest George Benigsen
1970-1973 Protopresbyter Daniel Hubiak
1973-1986 Vacant
1986-1992 Protopresbyter Robert Kondratick
1992-1996 Protodeacon Eric Wheeler
1996 Archpriest Paul Kucynda
1996-2000 Mr. Paul Hunchak
2001-present Archpriest Paul Kucynda
1963-1973 Protopresbyter Daniel Hubiak
1973-1979 Vacant
1979-1986 Mr. Richard Reidy
1987-1989 Mr. Lee Galiotos
1989-1996 Archpriest Paul Kucynda
1996 -1999 Protodeacon Eric Wheeler
1999-2000 Metropolitan Herman (while Archbishop of Eastern PA)
2001-2005 Archpriest Dimitri Oselinsky
2005-present Archpriest Paul Kucynda (Acting Treasurer)