May 2003 Schedule for “Come Receive the Light” Radio Network includes noted OCA members
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FORT LAUDERDALE, FL—The May 2003 Schedule of Programs from the Orthodox Radio Network “Come Receive the Light” has been announced:
Topic: The miracle-working Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
Guest: V Rev John Matusiak, Director of the Office of Communication of the Orthodox Church in America
Be sure to tune in to this amazing program as you plan your pilgrimage to the Scranton/Carbondale, PA area to attend the upcoming 99th annual Pilgrimage at Saint Tikhon’s Monastery in South Canaan, PA from May 23-26, 2003. Be sure NOT to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to see the wonder-working icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God which will be available for veneration during the four days of the Pilgrimage. The icon is one of several icons written by Saint Luke the Evangelist. This will be the only stop in the United States for the icon on what is projected to be a year-long journey to its original home at the Dormition Monastery in Tikhvin, Russia. During this program Fr. John Matusiak will explain the history surrounding the miracle-working Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and the festivities that will be taking place during this pilgrimage weekend.
Topic: Liturgy of Mass Media, Parents, Young People and TV
Guest: Terry Mattingly
Has mass media replaced the family? Who teaches young people to place mass media, especially TV, at the center of their lives? Terry Mattingly joins us today as a featured guest discussing the effects that Mass Media has on Parents, Young People and TV. Mass Media and TV today is taking over the family nucleus structured teachings of yesterday. In addition, television and other forms of media have replaced the church as the teacher of right and wrong in our society. Be sure to tune in to this very interesting and eye-opening program as we hear and learn what Mass Media and TV is truly teaching our children and blinding our views and beliefs as parents and what we need to do about it.
Topic: The Fourth Ecumenical Council
Guest: Fr. John Behr
Fr. John Behr returns for Part 5 of his 8 part series on the Ecumenical Councils.
In this program Fr. John will introduce us to the Fourth Ecumenical Council. The Fourth Ecumenical Council was held in Chalcedon, near Constantinople, 451, under Emperor Marcian where 630 Bishops were present. As like the other councils, the focus was on the nature of Jesus Christ. Be sure to tune in for a very informative program as we continue the series on the teachings of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.
Topic: The Epistle to the Romans
Guest: V. Rev. Fr. Lawrence R. Farley
We welcome Fr. Lawrence R. Farley, pastor of St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Mission, as he will introduce us to his recent book The Epistle to the Romans A Gospel for All, which is the first in the series of an Orthodox Bible Study Companion. Fr. Lawrence will lead us in a discussion of the history of Apostle Paul and the controversy that he lived in. This controversy had led Paul to give the literary performance of his life which resulted in the Epistle to the Romans, which demonstrates the truth of his Gospel. Be sure to tune in to this very informative program as we explore Apostle Paul and the Epistle to the Romans.
Topic: IOCC’s ESL Classes
Guest: Robert Pianka
Robert Pianka of IOCC joins us as he introduces us to a very valuable IOCC program, ESL Classes for many Orthodox immigrants today. Robert will discuss the importance of the ESL Classes which will help overcome the “linguistic isolation”, that which is the key cause of poverty in our own and in neighboring communities. ESL addresses the key cause of poverty within our immediate reach. But, more importantly, a pan-Orthodox network of parish-based ESL classes reaching the vulnerable in our own and in neighboring communities will give us a channel through which we can implement other programs, collectively and in partnership with non-Orthodox funding and operational agencies. Be sure to tune to this very important program and find out how you as Orthodox Christians can help this valuable program in bringing ESL Classes to your community.
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For More Information please contact:
OCN - Orthodox Christian Network
Chuck Powell, Media Director
“Come Receive the Light” Radio Program
815 NE 15th Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33304
Phone: 1-877-2RECEIVE
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