Metropolitan Council Finance Committee, Administrative Reorganizational Task Force, to meet
SYOSSET, NY [OCA Communications] — A joint meeting of the Orthodox Church in America’s Metropolitan Council Finance Committee and the Administrative Re-organizational Task Force will be held at the OCA Chancery here on Friday, November 10, 2006.
Participants in the day-long session will include the Very Rev. Matthew Tate, Finance Committee chairman, and committee members; Mr. Robert Kornafel, chairman of the Task Force, and other task force members; and the Very Rev. Paul Kucynda, OCA secretary and acting treasurer.
The primary purpose of the meeting will be to review the needs and resources of the Church and to prepare a 2007 budget proposal for review, discussion, and action by members of the Metropolitan Council when they meet for their
2006 fall session on December 11, 2006.