Mission focus of lenten retreat at St. Nicholas Cathedral
— The Rev. Luke Veronis will be the keynote speaker at a lenten retreat at Saint Nicholas Cathedral, 3500 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC, on Saturday, March 18, 2006.
The theme of the retreat, which is being sponsored by the Nation’s Capital R Club, a chapter of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America, is “Orthodox Christian Missions: Albania, Africa and Around the World.”
The day will open with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m., followed by lunch and retreat presentations.
Father Veronis has been involved in missions for 18 years. Together with his wife, Faith, he served as a missionary with the Orthodox Christian Mission Center [OCMC] in Albania for over 10 years, teaching at the Resurrection of Christ Theological Academy and serving as Academy co-director from 1998 through 2003. The Veronises established an Albanian youth movement, which offers summer Church camp programs. Earlier, Father Luke spent 18 months with the OCMC as a missionary in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ghana for 18 months, suring which time he assisted his African co-workers in constructing stone churches and a medical clinic and organized youth ministry teams in villages. Today, he serves as pastor of Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, Webster, MA, and teaches at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA, and at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, NY.
Father Luke also is the author of the book, “Missionaries, Monks, and Martyrs: Making Disciples of All Nations.”
A retreat donation of $10.00 is requested. Catechumens and students may attend free of charge.
For obtain more information or to register for the retreat, please call 202-333-5060.