NEWS ELSEWHERE - FOCA Convention, OCAMPR Conference
The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America [FOCA] will hold it’s 84th National Convention at the Westin Hotel in downtown Pittsburgh September 2-6, 2010.
The convention will be hosted by the FOCA’s Pittsburgh. The theme will be “Home Again in 2010 for an FOCA Family Reunion.”
One need not be a member of the FOCA to attend.
In addition to participating in plenary sessions and discussions, some of which will be designed to chart the FOCA’s future, and a number of liturgical services, attendees are invited to enjoy a variety of relaxing activities, including a golf tournament, a mystery dinner theater, a cruise on the city’s three rivers, and the traditional grand banquet and ball.
Special activities, including a visit to the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium and the Carnegie Science Center, are being planned for attendees ages 10 through 17.
Deadline for hotel reservations is August 6. Reservations may be made by calling the Westin Hotel directly at 412-281-3700. Special rates are available by mentioning the FOCA.
For detailed information visit on the FOCA web site or contact John Schultz, chairman, at 304-723-1223 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
The Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion [OCAMPR] will hold its annual conference at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, New York, NY, Friday and Saturday, November 5 and 6, 2010.
The conference theme is “Orthodox Praxis and Clinical Practice: How Our Faith Informs Our Work.”
Speakers include His Eminence, Archbishop Lazar, of the OCA’s Monastery of All Saints of North America Monastery, Dewdney, British Columbia; Archimandrite Meletios [Webber], abbot of the OCA’s Monastery of Saint John of San Francisco, Manton, CA; Dr. Herman Tristram Engelhardt of Rice University; and Dr. Stephen Muse, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastoral counselor, director of training at the Pastoral Institute, and OCAMPR past president.
In addition to presentations, a discussion on ways to expand OCAMPR’s work will be held.
For additional information or to register, contact W. David Holden at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or Marion Avtges at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).