OCA distributes $90,000.00 to the 9/11 Unmet Needs Roundtable of the NY Disaster Interfaith Services
At its June 2007 meeting, members of the Metropolitan Council authorized distribution of $90,000.00 in charity funds to the 9/11 Unmet Needs Roundtable of the New York Disaster Interfaith Services [NYDIS].
The funds were originally donated to the Orthodox Church in America as part of the Special 9/11 Appeal in 2001, but had not been distributed.
“On behalf of our Orthodox Church in America, please accept the enclosed check in the amount of $90,000.00 as a donation in support of the work of NYDIS,” His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman, wrote in the letter dated August 13, 2007 to Mr. Peter B. Gudaitis, NYDIS executive director and CEO, which accompanied the check. “More specifically, we ask that the 9/11 Unmet Needs Roundtable use this grant as ‘cash assistance funds.’ We understand that up to 10% of this grant may be used for administrative costs related to the distribution of the funds.
“We understand that the Rev. David Kossey will represent the OCA as a regular participant in the Roundtable, and that he will provide the OCA with weekly and monthly reports concerning the distribution of the funds,” the letter continues. “We understand that NYDIS will supply the OCA a copy of its annual audit report. We congratulate you and all others associated with NYDIS who are working in a very practical way to assist those whose lives have been adversely affected by the 9/11 terrorist assaults.
Founded to provide a means for faith communities to minister to victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, NYDIS continues to distribute cash assistance through its ‘Unmet Needs Roundtable,’ which meets weekly. Many victims suffering from health issues related to the attack or its aftermath now coming forward for assistance have been referred to the Roundtable by Mt. Sinai Hospital. Some have unpaid medical expenses. Others face eviction from their residences while waiting for the Social Security Administration to certify them for disability. Others remain in need of job training to work in other capacities.
In each case, the individuals must have exhausted all other means of support, both public and private, to qualify for assistance from the Roundtable. Caseworkers, sponsored in large part by donations made to NYDIS from various agencies, evaluate the suitability of each person before making a request for assistance. Caseworkers are then responsible for follow-up to make sure recipients are following through on individualized plans of actions aimed at remedying their situations.
NYDIS seeks to prevent individuals from otherwise “falling through the cracks” of the social service network. NYDIS assists those whose needs are not being met by other social agencies. Assistance given by NYDIS must not be duplicative of the efforts of other social agencies, and aid given must be for recovery, not temporary relief.
On July 11, the Very Rev. John Reeves, chairman of the Metropolitan Council’s charity committee, visited NYDIS headquarters and sat in on a full morning’s work of the Roundtable. He was able to observe first-hand the diligence of the caseworkers and Roundtable participants as they assess both the needs and recovery plans of each applicant. Participating as donors on July 11 were representatives of the American Red Cross 9.11 Recovery Committee, the Lutheran Disaster Response of New York, and God’s Love is Needed Now, Inc.
“We are very fortunate to be able to count on Father David Kossey of New York’s Saint Mary Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church, who will represent the Orthodox Church in America as Roundtable participant,” said Father John. “Father David was active in helping to establish NYDIS after 9/11 and continues to participate in the Roundtable’s distributions on a weekly basis. I have every confidence in Father David, his commitment and his judgment.”
Father David accompanied Father John on his visit.
While at NYDIS headquarters, Father John also met with Mr. Gudaitis. They discussed the particulars of how NYDIS will handle the OCA’s donation to the Roundtable, as well as what possible future roles the Orthodox Church in America might have in relationship with NYDIS.
“NYDIS is a professionally run non-profit,” Father John added. “Records of all of the OCA’s disbursements through the Roundtable will be sent to us weekly, and again monthly, by Father David, providing us with information about each recipient’s needs and the amount donated while strenuously protecting each individual’s privacy. Additionally, NYDIS will provides a copy of its audit report annually to the OCA, as it does to its other contributors. This is but one step towards restoring credibility to the OCA’s charitable works through its annual appeal. I appreciate this particular opportunity which NYDIS gives us.”
For further information on NYDIS in general or the 9/11 Unmet Needs Roundtable in particular, please visit http://www.nydis.org.