OCA Youth encouraged to participate in fund raiser established by President Bush
October 15, 2001
To all Youth of the Orthodox Church in America:
Kids can help too!
The Youth Office has received many e-mails and phone calls from youth looking for someway to help in response to the terrible events of September 11, 2001.
President Bush has encouraged each American child to contribute one dollar to go toward helping the needy children of Afghanistan. The funds will be distributed via the Red Cross. The statistics of hunger, starvation, and death among Afghan children are truly staggering. As Orthodox Christians, Christ tells us that when we help our neighbor, even someone who may be our enemy, we are helping Him (Luke 10:25-37 and Matthew 25:31-46).
Let us take the request of the President to show the world that as Orthodox Christians living in the United States, we act upon our beliefs.
Send your donations to:
America’s Fund for Afghan Children
c/o The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20509-1600
Please use the linked letter when sending in your donation.
In Christ,
Fr Michael Anderson
Director, Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries
Website: yya.oca.org
E-mail: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)